If You're Not Having Fun...Guess What?
For four full days in June I sacrificed the summer sun to play in a dungeon (basement) with 20 other people from all over the globe. Together we learned and performed improv comedy, and I remembered why I love the art form so much: Improvisation is a tool for self-discovery and dialogue.
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
Here are some things I learned that you can apply to life off-stage:
Your body knows.
Ever take a step forward and then back or raise your hand half way to say something then self-censor and stay quiet? Similar to ‘going with your gut’ your body often knows better than your brain. Try to trust your body and to move with it. Step with confidence, raise your hand high and switch your brain to off mode. This means to stop over-analyzing your words or actions, and to stop worrying about how you will be perceived.
Resist the urge to argue.
Why is it that as kids we say ‘yes’ to crazy things like of course we'll play a game where we’re space robots who eat tater tots all day, but by the time we becomes adults our ‘no’ muscles are well trained? We shut down other’s ideas in a heartbeat and even shut down our own. Try to actively choose to not argue, or to not say ‘no’, and see what happens. We end up becoming better listeners and better listeners resolve conflicts quickly and peacefully. Better listeners allow themselves to be open to another person’s point of view.
What IS happening versus what SHOULD be happening?
How many times have you thought your work project, your date, your family holiday was going to go one way and instead went the opposite? You have a choice to deal with what should be or what is. Easier said than done, for sure, but when we choose the IS we can be fully present, we can let go of past ideas, and we can help ourselves get unstuck. When you think about it, in the moment is all we ever have.
Play from a place of joy and fierceness.
Imagine if we all committed to living our lives this way?
And finally...Please never forget:
"If you're not having fun, you're the asshole."
- Susan Messing, Improviser, Author, Teacher
*We all had fun in that show thereby making us not assholes.
If you live in the NYC area check out Brooklyn Comedy Collective for upcoming classes and shows.