Set An Intention Path for the Year (exercise)
Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash
UPDATE 2019: After doing this again I want to share a few insights:
This exercise is equally valuable to do on your own (which I did and will share with my partner).
I like to mix-up life and work goals because let’s be real: they’re intertwined.
I opted out of drawing pictures because time is of the essence when baby is napping.
This year under my intention words I added a few questions like: What will this mean in 6 months? I will take class, but which one? Where is my book draft?
It’s important to be realistic about what you know now v. what you’ll know later. Consider them future check-in questions with yourself.
I’m a huge fan of the Post-it app! I photographed my intention map, and saved it with last year’s. Then I threw my paper away because I’m not a huge fan of clutter.
When we exited LaGuardia to catch a taxi the subzero temperatures paralyzed my brain waves. I pulled my leather jacket (perfectly appropriate for southern California in December) tightly around my organs to warm them, then I sang a sad little song that went something like: “Why oh why do I live here?”
Turns out leather won’t help you during a #BombCyclone. Wool, people, wool is the key to happiness in these dark times and should be woven into everything you own: hats, socks, jackets, sweaters, even underwear (smartwool to prevent itching, I’m told).
Welcome to 2018! I’ve been procrastinating about setting goals this year possibly because my mind still dreams of purple West coast sunsets. Then I felt guilty about procrastinating, then I talked to my good friend, Craig Sabbatino, and then I decided to chill out.
He designed a fun little exercise for family, friends, or coworkers that I’m going to do this weekend with the husband, and I wanted to share with all of you.
Get a large piece of paper, flip chart or poster board size, and some colorful markers.
Make a line across the paper to represent 2018 and mark all of the months.
Each person will individually write one word that represents his/her intention for that month, and will draw an image to match the intention. (You don’t need to be an artist, just have fun.)
Everyone shares their words to the group, why they chose it, and what the images mean to them. Go through each month like this.
Take a photo of your "Intention Path" or hang it up and refer to it throughout the year.
I love the idea of creating intentions rather than goals because they feel more holistic - for mind, body, and soul...for work and for play. Thank you, Craig for being an inspiring and beautiful person!
For January my intention word is: NAMASTE.
What are your Jan. and Feb. intentions? Share an image with us on Instagram and use #FollowtheFear