Why You Should Give a Sh*t About the Year of the Monkey

Photo by Reuben Hernandez

Next week the year of the Red Monkey will be upon us and I know what you’re thinking: “I don’t give a sh*t.”

But what if we can learn something from the monkeys (besides how to fling sh*t)?

Over the holidays I traveled to Costa Rica where I met the howler monkey. We canoed into a saltwater estuary then disembarked and hiked through the woods. Our master guide, Jonathan, let out his deep guttural monkey call and high up in the treetops, the howler monkeys answered back. I don't know what they said but I was completely mesmerized.

Turns out the males howl like a pack of wild dogs (listen here) that can be heard up to 3 miles away. They also sleep up to 15 hours a day.

What’s my point? Am I suggesting that you sleep most of your day away and howl at your neighbors during waking hours? You’re an adult, do what you want. That’s none of my business.

What is my business is anything in life that teaches me more about about leadership and improvisation, which in turn helps me teach people (not monkeys).

According to many Chinese Zodiac sources monkeys are:

  • cheerful and energetic
  • flexible
  • confident
  • charismatic
  • inventive
  • strong leaders
  • fun and creative
  • rarely get embarrassed
  • free to express herself fearlessly

Monkeys would be excellent improvisers if they could only master the English language. 

Instead of resolutions pick two monkey traits to emulate this year. I'm going to work on flexibility and freedom to be fearless. I might howl a bit louder too.